📍 96 Ekonk Hill Road, Voluntown, Connecticut 06384, United States

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Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Please take a moment to review our rules and make all members of your party aware of them. Nature’s Campsites and all of our guests thank you and your family in advance for your cooperation.

Be considerate of other campers. Do not do such things as cut through other campsites or act discourteously towards other campers. Nature’s Campsites reserves the right to evict without refund any person or persons who, in our judgment, are creating a disturbance or participating in or causing undesirable influence or behavior at our facility. Nature’s Campsites is not responsible for injuries, accidents, fire, theft, or loss of valuables. Quiet hours are from 11Pm to 8 am.

  • Reservation& Cancellation Policy

    • Rates include 2 adults and 2 children. Each site is allowed one tent or camping unit and the maximum site capacity is 6. Over 2 adults is an extra fee. Over 2 children is an additional fee. Additional adults may be added to a maximum of 4. Additional children may be added for a maximum of 4 if with 2 adults. If there is one adult, maximum children would be 5. Base rate is different for Group sites.
    • For larger families, Group sites are available.
    • Payment is required in full at the time the reservation is made. No refunds on credits on any holiday reservations. No refunds or credits due to weather or customers’ decision to leave early. Cancellations made 9 days prior to arrival date will receive no refund or credit. All other cancellations will be subjected to a 20% booking fee. Nature’s Campsites tries its best but no site is guaranteed.
    • Please note that online reservations are only available for dates May 1st – October 15th. If you are interested in making a reservation outside of our normal season, please call the park directly.
    • If interested in stays greater than 30 nights, please contact us directly!
  • Seasonal & Group Sites

    • We have limited seasonal sites available. Seasonal site rates vary by site and include a large spacious site for a family of four (2 adults and 2 children), sewer on site, water on site, metered power to be paid by seasonal camper, picnic table and fire pit. Our camping season runs from May 1st – October 15th and our seasonal campers enjoy all the campground amenities, weekend activities, events and ultimately, they become part of our family. It is a great getaway to bring the family together and begin making memories. Feel free to contact us to reserve a time to allow for our knowledgeable staff to give you a tour of the campground and site availability. We would love to welcome you to Nature’s Campsites!
    • Group Site Campers: Group sites are charged per individual Adult with a minimum of ten adults. Each adult includes a child in the adult charge. If your group has more children than adults the fee for extra children is $9 per night (Any Season of the year. Children age 3 and under are free of charge). The number of people in your party will be confirmed upon check in.
  • Pets

    • Nature’s Campsites is a pet-friendly campground, and we invite you to bring your dog with any campsite with the exception of Cabin Rentals and Caboose Rental, which have been designated as “no pets.” We do ask that everyone please be aware of our Pet Rules, as noted here.
    • A maximum of 2 dogs per site are permitted.
    • Pets may be walked on campground roads in accordance with the following.
    • Dogs must remain on a leash of no longer than 6’ .
    • Adults or teenagers may walk pets. Children cannot be held accountable for the control of your pet while walking off site without a responsible adult.
    • In addition, while your dog may be walked on the roadways of the campground, please be advised that they are not permitted in or around any buildings, including the office, laundry and restrooms, or at any of the public recreation areas, such as playgrounds, and the pool area. Only certified service dogs are permitted in those areas.
    • Please keep your pet off of other campsites, whether that site is occupied or not, as many campers take great pride in their yards & floral displays.
    • Not everyone is a pet lover, so please don’t allow your pet to approach other campers who are not approaching them in a welcoming manner, especially young children.
    • Even friendly dogs can react unexpectedly, especially in the presence of unfamiliar dogs. Use caution when allowing your dog to approach other dogs.
    • During quiet hours, pets are limited to your own campsite.
    • Pet owners must clean up after their pets, both on their own campsite and when walking pets, and must carry the proper equipment required to do so. Please dispose of bagged pet waste only in trash receptacles.
    • Do not leave your pet unattended in any common areas off your site. No pets can be kept in an outdoor kennel. You must be with your pet while it is outdoors. No unattended pets can be tied out, and length of tie-out must not extend into roadways, other sites or common areas.
    • Be sure to bring a current copy of your pet’s vaccination certificates. All pets are required to have collars and tags with identifying owner information.
    • Visitors of registered campers are not allowed to bring pets into the Park.
    • While pets may be transported on permitted golf carts, please don’t bring pets to areas they are not permitted, generally described as the playfields and the pools and surrounding areas. No one wants to hear a dog barking at a poolside, band, bonfire, or barking at Bingo.
    • Excessive barking, during quiet hours, will not be tolerated. If a pet creates a nuisance or disturbance, the owner of the offending pet will be asked to remove that pet from the campground. Any pet left unattended on site and causing a disturbance may be removed by the dog warden, with any fees being charged to the pet owner.
  • Bikes

    • Bicycles and scooters must be ridden in a safe and responsible manner. This includes returning all bikes/scooters to your site by dusk—no bike riding after dark.
    • Any bike/scooter left out after dark will be locked up overnight for the safety of the rider.
    • The use of helmets is required for all cyclists under the age of 16.
    • There is no riding in the area of playgrounds, walkways, or on the basketball courts.
    • Skateboards are prohibited entirely, and roller blades may not be used in any area in which bikes are prohibited. See “Vehicles” below for permitted uses of electric scooters.
    • Nature’s Campsites reserves the right to impound any bike that is being ridden in an unsafe manner (including riding after dark) for the remainder of the camper’s stay.
  • Quiet Hours & Curfew

    • Quiet hours are observed from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on weeknights (Sunday through Thursday) and 11:30 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. on weekends.
    • Unreasonably loud noise levels or profane language will not be tolerated at any time.
    • Portable audio equipment is to be used on site only and at an unobjectionable volume. No fireworks of any type are permitted, including “sparklers.”
    • All children and persons under age 21 must return to their sites by 11:00 p.m.
    • No Golf Cart Traffic is Permitted after 11:00 PM.
    • All recreational facilities must be vacated upon the conclusion of that evening’s scheduled event. Unaccompanied minors out after hours may be escorted back to site by security, with parents notified.
    • Any campers arriving after 9pm through the end of quiet hour may be directed to an overflow area until morning to prevent any late set-up from disturbing those around you.
    • During quiet hours, please realize sound travels easily. We reserve the right to end any gathering that, in our judgment, disturbs quiet hours.
    • Repeat offenders will be subject to removal from the Park.
  • Visitors

    All guest vehicles must park in the visitor parking area and display current guest pass from rear view mirror. Day visitors must leave by 9:00 p.m., Visitors which plan to remain after this time will be charged the over night fee. Campers are responsible for the behavior of their guests. An adult presence (21 & over) at campsite is required for any guests to be present. Children and teenagers may not be left within the Park without an adult present.

  • Children & Water Safety

    • You are responsible for the actions and safety of your children (age 18 and younger) and other children who are under your supervision. All children must obey the 11 pm curfew and return to their sites accompanied by an adult.
    • No children may ride bicycles after sundown. Helmets are required for children under the age of 14.
    • As per state law, no child under 14 is permitted in the pool area without responsible adult supervision over the age of 18. No adult may supervise more than 5 children simultaneously at the pool. THERE ARE NO LIFEGUARDS ON DUTY.
    • The fishing ponds are catch and release only. Swimming is prohibited in ponds and rivers.
  • Swimming Pools

    Parents must exercise supervision over their children in the pools. There is NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Please read and become familiar with the posted pool rules. NOTICE: ONLY USCG APPROVED FLOTATION DEVICES MAY BE USED. This prohibits all inflatable devices and many other swimming aids. Please check to see that your child’s flotation device is USCG approved. No persons incontinent or children in diapers are permitted in pools. Disposable swim pants (“Little Swimmers” by Huggies) permitted for toddlers.

  • Vehicles

    All vehicles must display current pass from rear view mirror. Vehicles must be parked on site or in visitor parking. There is no parking along roadways. Cars are not to be used for in-park transportation. Drivers should exercise caution when entering and exiting the campground, recognizing our Speed Limit of 8 MPH. Pedestrians & cyclists should stay to the side of the roads and not impede vehicular traffic. Other motorized vehicles (motorcycles and mopeds) may not be used in campground , and motorcycles should be parked at entrance by office. The use of ATV’s or gas scooters within the Park is also prohibited. Electric Scooters are strictly prohibited, unless the scooter is manufactured for and to be used by a handicapped individual. No outside carts may be brought in to Park (except those registered by individual campsite seasonal). There is no washing of cars, and RVs may not be power-washed during the summer, or on weekends in May through October.

  • No Smoking Areas

    There is NO SMOKING in any of the buildings at Nature’s Campsites. This includes the restrooms, and laundry. There is also NO SMOKING at the pools, as well as under the field pavilion. Smoking is prohibited within the “playing area” of all scheduled activities. Per CT State Law, NO SMOKING by anyone under age 18.

  • General Policies

    • All visitors must register in the office.
    • All visitors and transit campers must have camping pass visible, hanging from rear view mirror.
    • Registered campers are responsible for the actions and safety of their visitors and guests.
    • Quiet hours are from 11 pm to 8 am. All radios, stereos, and other audio equipment must be turned off during this time. No loud music is permitted to be played or broadcast at any time.
    • Campfires must be attended at all times. Flames may not exceed three feet. Two fire rings on a site are prohibited. During time of fire restriction, no fires of any type are permitted
    • Nature’s Campsites power receptacles are not for recharging registered electric vehicles.
    • Nature’s Campsites does not allow electric heaters or electric hot water heaters.
    • Littering is prohibited in every area of the campground.
    • Any persons permitting another to use their gate pass will forfeit their camping privilege immediately and may be asked to leave.
    • All campers and guests are required to conduct themselves in a respectable manner and respect campground property. No cursing or smoking in or around the game room or pool area.
    • Nature’s Campsite reserves the right to revoke your camping privileges should you and your guests fail to comply with any of these rules.
    • For emergencies, please call 911.
    • For park security after 10 pm, please call our office at (860) 376-4203.
  • Recycling Program

    Please bring your trash and recyclables to the collections bins located throughout the campground.

  • Site Rules

    • Do not cut, deface, or anchor anything to any trees or shrubs. This includes hammocks, tarps and clotheslines. Only trailer-mounted clotheslines are permitted.
    • In accordance with state law, there shall be no discharge of gray water, except into an approved dry well, and may not be run onto the ground. If not released into a dry well, you may drain into a bucket and empty the dish & shower water at the dump station.
    • Absolutely no “house type” refrigerators are permitted. Any small (max. of 4 cubic ft), portable, locked refrigerators are subject to an electrical surcharge of $2.00 per night.
    • Any approved site work that creates objectionable noise (power tools, leaf blowers etc) is restricted to weekdays.
    • Due to insurance constraints, the use of skateboards is prohibited. No firearms of any kind are permitted, including BB guns or paintball guns. For safety reasons, motorized toddler vehicles may not be used off your site. “For Sale” signs are prohibited (see Sales Office for consignment information).
  • Fires and Firewood

    Due to the threat of invasive species such as the Asian Longhorned Beetle, in accordance with the CT DEP, NO OUTSIDE FIREWOOD may be brought into Park. All campfires must remain within the fire ring at a reasonable level. All fire rings must be left in place.

    An important message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service…

    Moving firewood can spread insects and diseases that kill trees.

    Please . . . Buy firewood where you camp!

    Firewood carries insects and disease that kill trees.

    100,000,000 elms killed by Dutch elm disease

    30,000 hardwoods already destroyed to control the Asian longhorned beetle

    20,000,000 ash killed by the emerald ash borer

    Why is moving firewood such a bad idea?

    Tree-killing insects and diseases can lurk in firewood. These insects and diseases can’t move far on their own, but when people move firewood they can jump hundreds of miles. New infestations destroy our forests, property values, and cost huge sums of money to control.

    Purchase locally harvested firewood at your destination rather than bringing any with you. This has the added benefits of saving you money through increased fuel economy (loading your car up with heavy cargo—logs being the perfect example—can cut fuel efficiency and end up costing you at the gas pump).

    Connecticut campgrounds are following the lead of other states in prohibiting non-local firewood from being brought into CT campgrounds.  You may purchase firewood from Nature’s Campsites or other local providers after you have checked in. However, the only way to ensure that wood arriving with you at the gate is local:



    Transporting wood can also transport invasive pests like the Asian longhorn beetle. These unappealing imports can then infest forests and decimate tree populations, and have caused major damage as close as 40 miles from Natures Campsites.

    For more information, visit the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection at CT DEP.

    Please note Check-in and Check-out times. Enjoy you stay!

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